.Weekend Beatnik WEBE 9043 2004 |
Colin Irwin of fROOTS guides us
through the ins and outs of
English country dancing
Rogue FMSL 2012 1988 |
photo © Jak Kilby
Rod Stradling:
melodeons, acoustic guitar Jon Moore:
electric guitars, synthesizer, vocal Ian Anderson:
slide guitars, maraccas Maggie Holland:
bass guitar, banjo, vocal John Maxwell:
drums, percussion Chris Coe:
hammered dulcimer Ian Carter:
keyboards, melodeon
Tiger Moth began just as an all-star recording unit, bringing together musicians who had played in many notable bands
of the 'new wave of English country dance music' in the '70s and early '80s including the Old Swan Band, the New Victory Band,
the English Country Blues Band, Cock & Bull, the Albion Band, Jumpleads and Oak. But their first single and debut album
caused such a demand that they happily became a gigging entity and for the next five years roared around UK festival ceilidhs,
revered or feared for their noisy, no-holds-barred, improvisational approach
Tiger Moth from 2004 include most of the original members. The line-up is Rod Stradling (melodeons), Jon Moore (guitars), Chris Coe (hammered dulcimer), Maggie Holland (bass), Ian Anderson (slide guitar) and Ben Mandelson (baritone bouzouki, electric kabosy and other stringed
things), plus Fran Wade (fiddle - from Grand Union), drummer/percussionist Martin Brinsford (Brass Monkey, Old
Swan Band, Grand Union) and percussionist Danny Stradling (ex-Old Swan Band, Oak). Original drummer John Maxwell has
sadly passed away. Their caller is the best in the new wave English ceilidh business - the renowned Gordon Potts
Rogue Productions,
P.O. Box 337, London N4 1TW, England Tel: (+44) (0)20 8340 9651.
Fax: (+44) (0)20 8348 5626.